I want to heal

It is so frustrating isn’t it when the body apparently lets you down, when it takes an age to heal, when you feel like shit day after day and it becomes so hard to have faith or find a positive focus.

You feel punished and you don’t know why.

I hear you!

We cannot run from what the body is saying; s(he) needs time, s(he) needs patience and love. S(he) needs you to listen and to be kind.

You aren’t being punished. The body is holding you here for good reason. You need to slow down, you need to look in, you need to finally go head and heart first into the old wounds and traumas, you need to learn new ways, greater love, divine patience! You are being asked to blindly trust, to have greater faith, to stick your heels into self belief and that things will turn around. Maybe not now but soon.

I am here to support you, to help you unravel the body messages and the emotional threads that seek untangling. If there are physical issues we can identify and work on them, and if there are symptoms that unravel deep into your soul wounds we can find these too. Whatever way works for you, we will go there.

You are safe now…. faith, love, trust. But most of all love…

Andrea x

I recorded this today for you; please have a listen


I have been through a rough 12 months myself. Most days I can be strong, I have the knowledge to self-heal and the ability to listen to the wisdom to know where to focus my energy. That said I am human, I get impatient, I want to be somewhere else, I am stubborn and don’t always hear or I get stuck doing what I feel I should in life when the never ending wall I keep hitting is asking me for more. To be myself. I hit the wall again yesterday and today took myself into nature. I needed some lessons.

Here are some snippets of the soul healing in my day..nature is phenomenal to heal us, teach us, guide and inspire us.

Heart soothe

and one tired doggie after her exploring:

Who smells of the aroma of expensive organic baby shampoo and fox poo all in one

You are so very loved, so truly perfect, and are important,


PS if you are fed up of hitting the wall, please don’t suffer alone. Reach out…

5 key self-care steps to health and healing

Hello all,
Here is a short video that I have put together detailing some of what I believe are important steps to self-care; they are crucial for my own well being and for me to continue my work caring for people in my own full health.

In order to be there for others, we must be there for ourselves and to do this we must set time aside to re-balance our energy, re-ground our energy and gift ourselves breathing time to remember what matters most and to keep perspective (and sometimes sanity!).

To give to others, we must first give to self….
To give to others with no expectation, we must come from a place of peace, calm and well-being.


This is my play-ground for recharging.

PS. If you know of anyone suffering from stress and overwhelm please do share this and furthermore, if you have any tips please do share in the comments.


“As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.

As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”.

As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.

As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.

As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.

As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.

As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.

As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.

We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE”!”
― Charlie Chaplin





Stress is the trip switch….

When stress goes up, often many of us play this out in food and diet.


We get a little bit more controlling, a little/ lot bit more judgemental and hard on ourselves, we set harder goals for weight and performance based on well… punishment and many of us feel a little more unsure in our bodies. the stress battle play out in the worst of internal battles… invisible to almost everyone in your circle except the most intuitive.

for the purpose of us being open, honest and supportive for one another… if it feels right. How do you manage this and rein it in? how did you move forwards… what advice would you give?

When all form of control and certainty leaves us and overwhelm sneaks up; we often subconsciously start to control in other areas. It is human nature.

With practice we can become better to catch ourselves, laugh it off with ‘here I go again’ and quickly shift focus to exploring, learning and growing more positive life skills and strategies.

Me? I am not ashamed to say that I did have my struggles (in the past). It makes me real and helps me to understand other people’s struggles and obsessions and quirks. Sometimes I forget about it all as I have pushed it all back into the past; I tend to forget the level of anxiety that lived with me permanently, and the control and neurosis. It was, I realise now, all a coping skill. I guess it good to forget but I don’t want to either so that I know how it feels for others.

So how did I manage to recover from a serious eating disorder and hours and hours of forced exercise?… I just fought and looked forward to knowing a place of peace had to be at the end of the desire to be better balanced and healthy. I made small change after change to pull things into better balance; I wrote a journal and in it listed all my dreams for the life that I wanted…. all these little dreams, goals and changes add up, they all start to make a difference.

Please know that it is possible to get to a better place if you want to and set that intention and keep reminding yourself of why it matters and that you can. Don’t be too hard on yourself it can take time; and it is a journey and you can and are doing it.

Never quit on yourself; the breakthrough may be just around the corner.

Here are some tips based on what I find to be helpful when I start to self-judge and self-sabotage.

Continue reading

Update, what are you hungry for? and Grounding techniques for you to try

Hello everyone,

Here are a few recent video blogs for you to listen to that I urge you to spend some time with if you have been “feeling it” lately.

Also I went on to discuss various grounding techniques that you may find helpful. Not all will resonate; the point is to try things and see what works for us. For me nature, movement and spending time with my dog Trinity all work. I also meditate most days and keep crystals everywhere in my life! This article written previously may also provide ideas to play with: https://andrea-cullen.com/2014/11/28/how-to-get-into-your-zen/


I am feeling, my body screams.
My stomach is in knots and my head is flying into space.

My chest feels pressed on;
I cannot think straight.

Everything is buzzing in an energy moving at me,
Waves and waves of energy and information in an invisible thread pulling me into the centre of your universe.
And you don’t even know that I feel you.

I feel your heart and its burden,
Your pain and its fear.
Your beauty and your kindness and your still silent soul waiting to be heard.
Your story invades my body;
and all I want is for you to hear it too.

I feel both hungry, empty, full and nauseous.
So many feeling crammed into a small tiny body.
I feel huge, yet invisible;
I don’t even feel like I am fully here.


And then I slow it all down once more.

Just stop and listen the universe reminds me.
And I do; I embrace all that is surrounding me in guidance and support.
An infinite flow of love, energy, healing and something more that no one can accurately label because it means something different for us all.

The birds sing of strength,
The trees dance with an energy that lifts my heart,
The river flows through my being with life force.
My feet feel the buzz of life underneath me.
All is well; I am strong. As strong as honesty can be.


I have answers, but no one wants to ask.
I love big; yet I am surrounded by an angry world.

People want you to help; but they push you away.
People are tired, but they wont reach out for my energy.

I am here, I will show up…. I will be there…


Sending you lots of love,

Please reach out if you are finding it tough; the answers will come if you create the space,


There is a lesson and an opportunity in everything….

Preamble – I wrote this short piece for athletes that I work with as a reminder to them to work with their bodies and see the positives even in the most negative of injury situations. I guess that my own little ankle sprain and road roasties from a running fall in South Africa prompted me to some inner thinking time and a reflection on the journey for those with injuries across the spectrum of minor to serious. I was overwhelmed by the level of fatigue noted in my body, and also the degree of healing once I allowed the rest to happen and the additional calorie intake as prompted by appetite. Your body is always working with you, when you let it.

xx Andrea

There is a lesson and an opportunity in everything; especially in the events that don’t turn out as expected.



Doesn’t it feel like a never-ending roller coaster some-days? One that you are more than capable of rising to? and over-coming? and growing from? Life doesn’t throw it at you if you cannot handle it you always get through – but it requires having your eyes open. There is a skill in being able to shift your mindset to what opportunity and growth is here rather than feeling a victim to our circumstances.

This morning I feel frustrated. I ONLY have a sprained ankle and roasties – not much in the greater context of life – but I am feeling fed up of feeling sore, of sleep being sore and of feeling tired. SO – I have a choice here to effectively ruin my Saturday holding it all in, or to just express it and then get on with it.

It is ok to feel emotions, but most of us only sort of feel them and they fester away in a less than good mood for most of the day. We also tend to spill these feelings out in reactions against other people (which isn’t fair on them).

What if you can actually allow the emotions?

If you express the emotions they will have less of a hold on you. It is good to feel and express emotions like anger, sadness, fear, overwhelm, and all across the ‘feelings’ spectrum…. just chose when and how wisely! It is not good to hold them in, they come out in other ways, most often as an attack on others, an attack on ourselves, or through the body in an illness, or niggle like a headache, pain, eating problems, depression, etc.

Start to develop an awareness of how the mind, emotions, and the body interconnect. Then as you master this skill you will be able to unfold things in the other direction; that being when a symptom can be unravelled back to the source. The true source. It is always fascinating to me how when I really dig deep health issues can often be complicated and triggered by deeply held emotions; I see it in clients all the time. We hold the emotions more often than not when we are strong; it is not a weakness.

So lessons learnt? I’ll share a few of mine if you please go and take this example as an increased awareness in your own life.

1. when the body is injured, just as when it is ill, it goes into sickness mode. Inflammation leaves you feeling lethargic, hungry, fed up and unmotivated. Long term injury I would assume leaves the athlete at greater risk of depression so be mindful to place things in your day to keep you positive.

Learning to shift you focus to the good things in life is an acquired skill. You must practice. Feeling a victim doesn’t lead to fast healing. You have to work with and believe in your body. I mean REALLY WORK WITH YOUR BODY TO THE EXTENT OF USING VISUALISATION AS A STRATEGY AND GRATITUDE AS A RESPONSE TO ALL THAT YOUR BODY IS DOING.

2. When injured the natural reaction of the athlete is to eat less…. NO….. your body is working super hard to heal itself and to do this it needs nutrition IE FOOD… the construction material to regenerate and the co-workers to assist.

This means energy, protein (amino acids), vitamins, minerals (these are structural and functional), plant antioxidants, healthy fats like omega 3 to regulate the inflammation process and any specifics that are related to the injury. For example I have a ligament sprain so soft tissue nutrients like gelatin and vitamin C are helpful for me.

3. Work intuitively with your body. You need to honour the nudges for rest or movement, strapping or to allow some movement stimulate strength, inflammation modulation, hot and cold to encourage circulation, manipulation such as osteopathic or chiropractic, physiotherapy or massage, sleep and rest versus get up off your ass and move. etc. What does your intuition say? This is something that no coach or therapist can have as profoundly as your own; so share your thoughts and work together on healing your body. DON’T EXPECT SOMEONE ELSE TO DO IT ALL FOR YOU.

4. Healing modalities such as energy remedies (I make my own range of plant and tree remedies for clients and mixed up a blend of oak, scots pine and rose to assist healing), pulsed electromagnetic frequency fields (IMRS 2000 or Bemer etc), aromatherapy (powerful for healing I use Young Living Panaway), herbs (both topical and taken internally), reiki, kinesiology, and so on; use what draws your attention.

5. That there is a difference between an athlete injury and an accident injury – think about it.

6. Belief…… if you are going through a significant injury healing process a little part of you will believe in the power of your body to heal far beyond that of any surgeon or expert. If your body says it is possible, and your mind believes it, then make it happen and don’t give up.

Find the silver linings today and if you are fit and healthy then take a moment and say thanks; not to the powers out there but to the powers within you. That little body and all the things it does every day is a miracle. One that science in truth knows so little about.

I mean think about it; each little cell and molecule knows what to do, how to regenerate and how to respond… simply WOW.


Some silver linings are detailed in my photos.

After my little fall we had some free time and used this to visit Chintsa East soup kitchen; click here to read the story

Write the next chapter…



Do you want your story to stop with the hardship and the excuses and the ‘poor me story’ or to move forward into the chapters detailing the triumph of taking action, the story of trying and then doing, achieving and then succeeding?

We all carry the potential for success, in every part of our lives: work, love, health, relationships, sport, finances, and our own silent personal journey.
Everyone of us has the potential for success….

Life at every corner will present you will opportunities to take a new direction and create something better or will show you the old direction that if you choose, will validate where you wish to stay stuck. For example a change in direction may provide you with the opportunity to eat better and start exercising OR to stay stuck in your illness telling everyone why you cannot eat better or start moving more.

Do you want to live a story explaining why you didn’t?
Or how you did?


You have a choice every day to leave pain behind, to grow through hardship, to expand past negativity and to breathe through fears into a new way of living and being. One where fears no longer bully you into being less than you know deep down you can be.

Continue reading

You can heal your body


Andrea’s recommended Mind-Body exercises and some thoughts on how to switch between disconnection from our bodies into greater connection and appreciation of our body’s state of health and also how to gain perspective and awareness when we become overly concerned and hypervigilent in our bodies.

We tend to flit between the two when we are struggling with health problems of a chronic nature.

Please practice this exercise often with whatever tweaks feel right to you.

Much love


PS if you are struggling with health problems and would like some assistance with your return to health, and a professional to help determine the core imbalance beneath all your symptoms; please contact me on andreacullenhealthsolutions@gmail.com

Shine your light

…..and tour of Andrea’s clinic


Hi Folks,

Here is another short video blog taken last week where I wanted to remind you just how easy it is so shine your light in the world. If you only knew the difference that you make to other people then you would see just how important it is to share all that you are with the world.

I have also included a little peak tour of the clinic in Castletroy; come and visit!


Much love,
