Highly sensitive persons nervous system

I am linking here a very good blog with insights for those who are/ are trying to understand highly sensitive persons or empaths and what the difference is between a regulated and a dysregulated nervous system.

p.s. it starts as far back as the womb and what babies sense from mums energy.

click here to read and please watch the video https://www.livingneuro.com/living-neuro-blog/tag/HSP

Did you know that I help people with fertility and reproductive issues?

Andrea Cullen Health Solutions

Diet, lifestyle, emotional stress, functional health imbalances and environmental exposures play a huge role in our increasing fertility issues in this modern world.

Our governments and large agencies are monitoring this (e.g. the CDC National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals) and world authorities in health, toxicology, environment, medicine, nutrition, and alternative health are all speaking out regarding our increasing body burden of chemicals impacting fertility among all mammals. Add to this poor lifestyle choices, an increasingly stressful life, and widespread malnutrition despite surplus calories and you are looking at a big mess. Our fertility is a telling tale.

It is so sad to me that we are struggling with our health and fertility often unawares that this is one of the consequence to our actions in our world as a species. It is not your fault, nor mine; but of all of us to some degree. Pollution…

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Build a team

Andrea Cullen Health Solutions

It is hugely important, when you are having issues with complex and chronic health problems, to build a team. One that can support you in mind, body, and emotions.

For example, my team are my doctors, Dr Pip Cullen and Dr Tom Pierce whom lately helped me, my osteopath Eoin Flynn, Dee O’Connor energy healer, and Dan Sainsbury tranformational coach. And not forgetting my fitness health where Annchen Clarke of 3YO coaching and and Adrian O’Brien of OBF fitness support me.

My biggest support however is MY SELF, followed in close second by my amazing fiance Garron, my cousin Vikki, my closest friends and family. I believe a support team is crucial at all times for me regardless of where my health is because of the work that I do with people.

Who is in your team? Do you have a team? Please have a listen; especially if you…

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Where is your ‘go to’?

I encourage everyone to have some “go to places”, of peace and calm where you can empty your mind, offload the burden from your shoulders, and open your heart and knowing to the ALL that is out there.

Open the doors for love, wisdom and support to come flooding to you, OR if the universe deems more appropriate, for the nothing space of calm, recentering, grounding and recharging.

Where are your safe places? I have many; and they call when I must visit.


I can help you heal….but we gotta work together

Andrea Cullen Health Solutions

To heal complex health problems we must look at everything and this starts with the gut…

This will be a short post!

I deal with chronic and complex health problems almost daily in my clinic. To solve complex health problems such as fatigue, fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal issues, modern complex conditions such as Lyme’s disease and post-viral syndromes, auto-immune issues and functional issues that we are told to live with, requires getting to the bottom of everything to the core of what is really going on.

I can help!

THIS is what I am good at, and why is probably a function of a mixture of my nature (wanting to know why in every possible way!), my training (pharmacy, nutritional therapy, and functional medicine training all lead to the desire to get to the core of the issue and treat from there) and my passion (I want you to feel not…

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Feeling Anxious?

Andrea Cullen Health Solutions

Hi all,

I had an anxious week last week. Maybe it was the vibes, maybe it was me, maybe it was my body. The brain always wants to obsess on how we are feeling and sometimes the best thing that we can do is focus outwards and switch our focus.

Here are a few words of encouragement

The Honest Guys have a super channel on YouTube worth signing up with. Here is their latest meditation:

Anxiety can have many causes and it is always worth investigating further to address their causes. Here are a few causes that we may find during an assessment in the clinic:

  1. Anxiety is a symptom to draw your attention to a problem. It is your friend and asks you to explore the nutritional, lifestyle, spiritual and emotional balance in your life.
  2. Empath or highly sensitive person – sensitive to all that surrounds you
  3. Poor nutrition…

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Migraines suck….

For the migraine sufferers

Andrea Cullen Health Solutions


This article discusses migraine, what it is, various triggers and underlying causes, touches on some strategies to treat migraine as well as the emotional and metaphysical causes. This article is more a resource and support than a definitive A-Z; if you would like help determining the causes for your migraine or to know more about individual treatment approaches that may work for you and/ or to book an appointment for a comprehensive assessment please complete the contact form below.

Migraine 1: Andrea NIL

Migraine got the better of me this morning and left me floored for the whole day. I tried to chew on the reasons and emotions but sometimes it’s as simple as those pesky things called hormones or practical things like lack of sleep, bright lights, food triggers, low blood glucose levels, mobile phones and WiFi, flickering lights, even weather patterns, and as mentioned hormonal dips pre-menstrually.


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Healing….. what we are doing isn’t working

Healing Flower & Tree Essences of Ireland

I am a trained pharmacist, if you have found my webpage this may surprise you. I am raised and bred in science. I excelled in school at all the languages, sciences and mathematical subjects. I was told I could do anything; so I decided on the medical field because I wanted to make a difference. Science solves problems and cures people after all, medicine and research seeks a cure? Doesn’t it?

that's me in the middle that’s me in the middle on graduation day, 1997

And off I went, I studied hard to gain maximum points, I went to university, and then out I popped all educated into the work force. I thought I had made the decision that would give me the education to fix people’s health problems. The day I graduated as a pharmacist was the day I felt convinced that I could make a difference and I set about being the best…

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If what you are fussing about right now was taken away from you would you miss it tomorrow?

The items that complicate your life as much as the things that you covet in life? the fancy car? perfect house? desired job title? the idiot that upset or insulted you? the fancy handbag? the watch, the brand labelled clothes? your status? whether the goddamn sandwich is keto, paleo or banting? even Donald trump given the mass hysteria of late….would you miss is if it was gone?



So why give it all your energy? Why do you make these things matter so much and care so much about what others think? Or give an argument so much energy when others don’t agree with you?


Trust me it is the simple things that matter most. Telling someone you love them, feeling safe and loved, the morning sky that greets you when you open the curtains, sunsets, spring turning life awake again, the feeling of freedom, the people who count, warm clothes and a pair of shoes, food, and well for me today I am really missing getting my feet into the energy of life on a run. Yep…. a small thing that shows me that it is important to me in my life that I feel the world and her beauty on a simple run.

There is always something to remind you what truly matters in life; it is the stuff that you cannot buy, that you take for granted, and is the substance of memories and being alive……

Fill your life with what truly matters
