Never quit the Belief

Today I realised that if I start to believe it, I can probably achieve some goals that I never thought I was capable of… given a nudge and wink by those that do believe in me…

Have a think about it …

I will bet there are more than a few things that you had given up belief in and on closer examination would be daft to give up on…

wasnt it beautiful

Goals and beliefs are important…. facing fears and triumphing… that’s what keeps us going forwards no matter how small the goal may be to another.

Its not that other persons business to judge your triumphs or for you to worry about what they are thinking because the chances are that it is not about you they indeed are thinking!! And if it is… then they need to start chasing their dreams rather than critiquing yours!

10 Things I Wish Every Woman Knew About Health

Andrea Cullen Health Solutions


Here is an article that I stumbled on today that is worth re-blogging.

Please note that apart from the following short intro this is not my writing and is taken from

If I was to add any words to this to all women it would be:
To love yourself,
To step into your divine feminine strength and power while being graceful and gentle,
To follow your heart,
To listen to your fabulous female intuition,
To never doubt (for too long!),
To allow your partner to be equally strong and vulnerable,
To nurture your creativity,
To give everything a shot,
To love your body and allow it to be where it feels best,
To quit reading magazines about body, weight, and fashion they ALL are marketing something based on finding your weak spots,
To celebrate one another’s strengths
Quit gossiping and finding faults in others,
Don’t compromise all that you are in…

View original post 366 more words


Beautiful Nature Screensaver 1.0

I cannot express in words the full extent of how my gratitude to the Universe feels within me.
And of her comfort in the form of the loving people in my life now.
Nature and her nudges and daily embrace in the smallest of things;
I notice them now and they are wondrous!
Spirit and her messages and intuitions,
The magic of dream world,
The power and clarity in my visions,
The awe I have for how everything supports my every step forward.
Love in every crevice and corner, smile and moment.
When you let go and trust; you don’t fall and then hope to find support;
you instead fly with the winds of time under your wings.


Love, Andrea

beautiful people do not just happen

Love with abandon…


“Love in your mind produces love in your life. This is the meaning of Heaven.”
― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

There is no remedy for love but to love more.”
 – Henry David Thoreau

When it comes to love why is it that moving fast and certainty creates doubt in others? People say thread cautiously, prepare for the worst, keep your eyes open; don’t jump in too fast. ….

And yet if you were offered the job of a lifetime the other side of the planet they would say leap; leap far fast.

Funny that because you are far more likely to get chewed up and spat out by a big multinational than a person who just wants to care for you…

One thing is certain when it comes to making choices of the heart life certainly will show up your doubts when you allow the negatives to fester.

So is it wrong to jump in?
Or is jumping in the only way that you can get in?

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What love means….


As an intro it always tests me to share my personal writings. So why do I? Well if what I learn in life as I navigate this path can reach and touch others and help just one person then it is all so worth it. Enjoy…

In the past weeks life has crossed my path with G. A wonderful man who I cannot even justify an attempt to put into descriptive words as our journey is only beginning. And it is the journey that I have felt in my soul for a long time now so when that special person walks into your life with the intention of stepping on that same path with you, and holding your hand to keep you steady; well all I can say is that is truly does create wonder in my whole being at the beauty of this life.

I have always been feisty; deep deep down it is the essence of who I am: a feisty, determined, strong woman (god help him I hear you say!). I have a powerful sense of purpose, fuelled by passion and when I lost my connection with myself, there was always the feeling of there being ‘something more’ that guided me back; more worth, more love, more meaning, more purpose and when life felt all too much that feeling of ‘there are more reasons to why I am here’ made every tear bearable, every step manageable, and every choice for change achievable.

Please promise to love and accept yourself in every moment of your path this far. It is not a case of locking the past in a closet of shame but more so appreciating and being grateful for all that it taught you and for embracing that  part of your past that makes you who you have now become.

Fear teaches you love.
Anxiety shows you direction.
Tears cleanse pain.
Pain identifies that which is not for you.
Loneliness adds bravery to your steps.
Depression gives you time for pause; make it temporary.
Anger identifies your fuel for passion; use it wisely.
Sadness shows you the inner child inside awaiting for you to love and forgive.
Envy highlights that which you may wish to empower in your own life.
Feeling scared often shows you that leaping now is absolutely possible.
Frustration leads to a path more certain.

And meltdown, illness, and fatigue are the most certain signposts  that you could ever ask for to start making choices in new directions.

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